Ritually Rooted Membership Association Agreement

(A Private Contract Membership Association)

I hereby accept the terms of membership in the Ritually Rooted Membership Association (hereinafter Association), a private venue, original and exclusive jurisdiction membership association available only by invitation and with application approval.

With the sealing of this membership agreement, I accept the offer made to become a member of the Association. By signing this agreement, the member agrees to act in accordance with Ritually Rooted Association’s  Mission Statement:  We actively support holistic practitioners to create healthy foundations for themselves, their families, and their communities.

This Association of members, hereby declares that our purpose is to exist as a society living in peace under inherent law, to provide mutual benefits to all members and to protect our members’ rights to freedom of choice regarding our education and healthcare. As members, we affirm jurisdiction under inherent law as Natural Law. This agreement is entered to maintain and protect all birth rights and establish freedom of choice relating to the bodies, minds, and spirits of every member of our association. Members decide what is best for themselves and their legal or health condition. Thus, the ultimate goal of membership is to accept full responsibility for every aspect of one's' life, health and well being while becoming a self-governing member of this Association. 

This agreement is between members of the Association in private relationship. In confirmation, I have freely chosen to change my legal status in this Association from a public person to a private member in the Association. My activities within the Association are protected by this private contract that precludes me from sharing any information regarding the Association or fellow Members with the public or any non-members.

The Association shall attempt to resolve any dispute between an aggrieved party and the association privately should such negotiation fail, the next resort shall be mediation. Any aggrieved party may request that the Association appoint a mediator acceptable to all parties concerned to resolve a dispute with the Association through mediation. Should mediation fail, arbitration shall be the next resort.

Any aggrieved party unsatisfied by mediation may request in writing that the Association convene a Board of Arbitration to resolve any dispute between the aggrieved party and the Association. Unless otherwise specified by a prior contract between the aggrieved party and the Association, the Board of Arbitration shall consist of three Men, independent of the Association: one selected by the aggrieved party, one selected by the Association, and the third selected jointly by the two selected arbitrators. The Board of Arbitration shall, after meeting, investigation, and majority agreement, give judgment, which shall be binding on all parties.

Thus, I hereby certify, attest and warrant that I, of sound mind and body, and competent to sign, have carefully read and understood the plain language of this agreement for Ritually Rooted Membership Association Agreement voluntarily accept the private terms therein and in the Memorandum of Understanding and hereby intend these terms and this agreement to bind myself, my family, heirs, nominees, agents and assigns in confidentiality for a minimum of 20 years.

I attest that I have freely chosen to change my legal status in this Association from a public person to a private member in the Association. All interactions and exchanges within our association are confidential, occurring privately among individuals who elect to engage privately, and contain sensitive information meant only for the designated recipient. The Ritually Rooted Membership Association and Ritually Rooted Fellowship assert all rights and disclaim responsibility for the content's use by members, users, or visitors. All rights are asserted unequivocally by the sender(s), without any waiver of rights. Public entities and individuals at the state and federal levels are prohibited from accessing or using content from this site, or any platform  without explicit consent from the Fellowship and Association. Violations of these terms will incur liability in both personal and official capacities.